I would like to say how delighted I am with my acquittal recently when your firm acted for me. I was very fortunate to be represented by Peter Richardson at my trial – he was outstanding.

Mr S
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Business Crime/Regulatory

R -v- B PLC

We acted for a PLC following the tragic death of a workman on a building site controlled by them. Directors and other officers of the company were interviewed under caution for offences of corporate manslaughter. We advised during those interviews and no proceedings for corporate manslaughter were taken. Proceedings were however commenced under Health and Safety legislation. We were able to negotiate with the prosecution to minimise the charges to which our client company had to plead guilty. In the event the penalties which they received, following our diligent preparation and presentation of the case to Court, were regarded as considerably less than had been expected. Cardiff Crown Court.

R v G

We represented father and son who faced prosecution for perjury and fraudulent trading arising out of the collapse of the family farming business in the wake of lengthy litigation. We pursued disclosure issues with fervour and were able to establish that there had been bad faith on the part of those initiating the prosecution, so that the Court found the proceedings to be an abuse of process.


Acting for a man charged with the unlawful importation of unlicensed veterinary medicines. The case involved analysis of material from France, Belgium and Russia. Careful and systematic review of the relevant Regulations kept the number of matters to which a plea had to be entered to a minimum. Croydon Crown Court.

R -v- V

We represented a man charged with money laundering offences involving an alleged multi party conspiracy to conceal the proceeds of crime through a number of lap dancing and other clubs. After mastering a vast amount of written and taped material, the prosecution decided not to proceed against our client.

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